Rapid Training for Community Response
COVID-19 Material Guidance for RCRC National Societies

Rapid Training for Community Response
Epidemics begin and end in communities. When communities are engaged and trained in epidemic preparedness and response, they become vital contributors to finding and stopping outbreaks, saving lives, restoring services, reducing negative impacts, speeding recovery and building resilience.
RCRC Guidance
Red Cross Red Crescent guidance materials
COVID-19 CBHFA Module for staff and volunteers
Getting Started With The CBHFA COVID19 Module
In cooperation with the National Society Development team and CEA team of IFRC, this module was designed to be an accessible guide for community health / CBHFA volunteers to use at field level in their communities to teach about preventing COVID-19.
eCBHFA Volunteer Guide COVID19 (English)
eCBHFA volunteers are a community's first line of defence in the midst of the global COVID-19 epidemic. This guidance is for active eCBHFA volunteers working with vulnerable groups at the community level to help keep people safe, informed, and at ease as the pandemic progresses.
eCBHFA COVID-19 guía para voluntarios (español)
Los voluntarios de eSPAC son la primera línea de defensa de una comunidad en medio de la epidemia mundial de COVID-19. Esta guía es para voluntarios activos de eSPAC que trabajan con grupos vulnerables a nivel comunitario para ayudar a mantener a las personas seguras, informadas y a gusto a medida que avanza la pandemia.
Guide eCBHFA COVID-19 pour les bénévoles (français)
Les volontaires eCBHFA sont la première ligne de défense d'une communauté au milieu de l'épidémie mondiale de COVID-19. Ces conseils sont destinés aux volontaires actifs de l'eCBHFA qui travaillent avec des groupes vulnérables au niveau communautaire pour aider à garder les gens en sécurité, informés et à l'aise au fur et à mesure que la pandémie progresse.
eCBHFA COVID19 دليل المتطوعين
متطوعو eCBHFA هم خط الدفاع الأول للمجتمع في خضم وباء COVID-19 العالمي. هذه التوجيهات موجهة لمتطوعي eCBHFA النشطين الذين يعملون مع الفئات الضعيفة على مستوى المجتمع للمساعدة في الحفاظ على سلامة الناس ، وإطلاعهم ، وسهولة في تقدم الوباء.
Guia do Voluntário do eCBHFA COVID19 (Português)
Os voluntários do eCBHFA são a primeira linha de defesa de uma comunidade no meio da epidemia global de COVID-19. Esta orientação é para voluntários ativos do eCBHFA que trabalham com grupos vulneráveis no nível da comunidade para ajudar a manter as pessoas seguras, informadas e à vontade à medida que a pandemia avança.
General recommended CBHFA training: Community Mobilisation (English)
The module aims to provide content appropriate for trained eCBHFA volunteers to provide basic knowledge and skills to: community members and family members. The material can be used in community meetings, during household visits and one-on-one discussions with community members anywhere in the community.
Общее рекомендуемое обучение CBHFA: мобилизация сообщества (русский)
Инструмент: Проведение встреч с целью информационно-разъяснительной работы с населением
Настоящий документ предназначен в качестве руководства для поддержки волонтеров при планировании встреч с целью информационно-разъяснительной работы с населением.
General Recommended CBHFA Training: Behaviour Change (English)
The module aims to provide content appropriate to train eCBHFA volunteers and their community members on the elements of effective behaviour change.
Formation CBHFA Recommandée Générale: Changement De Comportement (Français)
Le module vise à fournir un contenu approprié pour former les volontaires eCBHFA et les membres de leur communauté sur les éléments d'un changement de comportement efficace.
Общее Рекомендуемое Обучение CBHFA: Изменение Поведения (Русский)
Цель модуля - предоставить контент, подходящий для обучения волонтеров eCBHFA и членов их сообществ элементам эффективного изменения поведения.
CBHFA COVID Toolkit - Dropbox (English)
Additional tools for CBHFA.
Herramientas CBHFA COVID (español)
Herramientas adicionales para CBHFA (Google Drive)
Outils CBHFA COVID (français)
Outils supplémentaires pour CBHFA (Google Drive)
أدوات CBHFA COVID (عربي)
أدوات CBHFA إضافية (Google Drive)
Ferramentas CBHFA COVID (Português)
Ferramentas CBHFA adicionais (Google Drive)
Contact information
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