Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Resource Compendium

Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Resource Compendium

Health Help Desk Topics

Due to the exponential growth of the COVID-19 pandemic, the increasing and rapidly evolving role of National Societies in the response, and the increased demand for health personnel and other surge resources, there is a growing need to collaborate and share technical health advice. Driven first and foremost by the "do no harm" principle, the IFRC Health Help Desk offers information and guidance to support public health and clinical health aspects of COVID-19 preparedness and response, along with support to adapt, continue and scale up existing health programming to meet communities' ongoing health needs unrelated to the pandemic.

Additional Help Desks & Resource Hubs

Business Continuity

The Business Continuity Planning Help Desk supports RCRC National Societies as they work to maintain operations and deliver critical services to vulnerable populations affected by the COVID-19 outbreak and other hazards.

Cash & Voucher Assistance

The Cash Help Desk is a service available for all staff and volunteers of National Societies, the IFRC Secretariat, and the ICRC who might want to access remote technical advice on the use of cash assistance in response to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

Community Engagement & Accountability

Tools, resources, and global guidance for National Societies on how to incorporate community engagement and accountability into the COVID-19 response operations.

Livelihoods & Basic Needs

To ensure continuity of guidance and support to National Societies, the Livelihoods Resource Centre (LRC) and British Red Cross (BRC) have established a remote online technical Livelihoods Help Desk, offering specific livelihoods information and guidance incorporating the threat and impact of COVID-19 to National Societies, IFRC and ICRC.

Mental Health & Psychosocial Services

How to remain socially close while physically distant? The IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support provides online guidance and tools, including webinars, podcasts and training resources on how to help volunteers, staff members, and community members to have access to (remote) community based mental health and psychosocial support services.

Social Science Research

French Red Cross Foundation is designing social sciences research projects with labs and universities to provide operational support and recommendations to NS related to: health measures of lockdown and quarantine, vulnerabilities, new forms or disruptions of voluntary activities, and more.

Urban context

IFRC formed an Urban Pandemic Technical Support team to assist regional and country offices and National Societies to prepare plans of action for the COVID-19 Emergency Appeal that are fit for the urban context.

Volunteers & Staff

Hosted by the IFRC Americas Regional Office, Sokoni (which in Kiswahili means ‘market place’) serves as the primary public space where volunteers and staff of the 192 Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies can interact on all matters related to COVID-19.  “SOKONI”  can be accessed in more than 60 different languages.

Additional COVID-19 Resources


FedNet is the extranet of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (Federation), a platform where we can work, collaborate, communicate and inform about the activities of the Federation, its member National Societies and the Secretariat.


IFRC GO aims to make all disaster information universally accessible and useful to IFRC responders for better decision making. IFRC GO is an online platform for emergency monitoring and response tracking. It combines real-time field information with secondary data and available response capacity information.


This global space allows Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers and staff to discuss in forums; share experiences and National Societies-developed approaches; reflect on lessons learned; post questions, and access existing official guidelines and tools from existing IFRC websites.

Learning Platform

An online learning community for National Society volunteers and staff, as well as partners and the general public. It delivers free, high-quality, multilingual Red Cross Red Crescent and other learning opportunities to support the personal and professional development of volunteers and staff.

About the Compendium

This COVID-19 Resource Compendium is a joint effort between the IFRC and Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC), with support from throughout the RCRC Movement including reference centres, regional offices, national societies, ICRC, and others.

This compendium offers a comprehensive, dynamic, and evolving list of resources positioned to support Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The resources include help desks, guidance documents, frequently asked questions pages, and other COVID-19 related documents.

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