Blood Services – Health Help Desk COVID-19

Find the following resources about Blood Services:
GAP is the Global Advisory Panel on Corporate Governance and Risk Management of Blood Services in Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. GAP provides technical advice and promotes knowledge sharing, networking and partnership among National Societies and external partners.
COVID-19 resources for RC/RC blood services:
Resources for voluntary non-remunerated blood donation (including for COVID-19):
- visit the GAP VNRBD website here
Current resources of interest from GAP:
- Covid-19: Vaccinations and the Blood service (March 2021)
- Tips for blood donation and COVID-19
- Engaging youth in blood donation (July 2020)
- Webinar: What are National Societies doing to address pandemic related donor recruitment challenges? (May 2021)
GAP updates for RC/RC Blood Program:
Other resources for Blood Safety
More on Health Help Desk COVID-19