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Pre-Financing Anticipatory Action: A Practical Guide for National Societies
Anticipatory action is expanding and being mainstreamed across the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. As National Societies add more Early Action Protocols (EAPs) and scale up their anticipatory action programming, developing an anticipatory action pre-financing strategy is essential to ensuring timely and effective implementation. The window for anticipatory action is a critical period when humanitarian organizations can act to reduce the impact of an impending disaster. To ensure timely action, funding is needed early in this window. However, financial transfer […]
Read MoreHow GADRRRES Strengthens Global Resilience in the Education Sector Through the Comprehensive School Safety Framework
Background Every child has the right to an education and should be allowed to learn in a safe environment. Worldwide, disasters, emergencies, shocks a...
Double Jeopardy: Addressing compound flood and heatwave events
Compound events, such as floods and heatwaves occurring in close succession or simultaneously, can interact in a way that creates more severe outcomes...
Preparedness for winter weather and response by National Societies in Europe and Central Asia
This briefing note outlines common winter weather hazards experienced across Europe and Central Asia, and the ways in which National Societies are pre...
Dominica Building Resilience Through Community Early Warning Systems
Setting the Scene Dominica is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, the impacts of which have already been experienced wh...
Featured Resources
Guidance material
Qualitative Guide to run Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with communities and local authorities on Early Warning Systems
This tool provides structured guidance for conducting focus group discussions (FGDs) with communities and local authorities to assess the effectiveness, inclusivity, and trustworthiness of Early Warning Systems (EWS). Part of the IFRC’s Enhanced Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (eVCA) toolbox... Read More
Guidance material
Communication Landscape Analysis Tool for Early Warning Systems
This tool is designed to help practitioners identify the most trusted and accessible communication channels and sources within communities, with the goal of strengthening the reach and effectiveness of Early Warning Systems (EWS). It provides step-by-step guidance — from preparation and data colle... Read More
Case study: A catalyst for strengthening local governance in Nepal
The Municipal Disaster Risk Governance Assessment (MDRGA) Tool empowers municipal authorities to review the current status of disaster risk reduction and management governance, identify and take action on needs and priorities. The tool is a resource developed out of a partnership between IFRC, the N... Read More
Infographic: Nepal’s Municipal Disaster Risk Governance Assessment (MDRGA) tool
The Municipal Disaster Risk Governance Assessment (MDRGA) Tool empowers municipal authorities to review the current status of disaster risk reduction and management governance, identify and take action on needs and priorities. The tool is a resource developed out of a partnership between IFRC, the N... Read More
The hidden power of community: Unveiling social capital’s role in Australia’s disaster resilience
Social capital – the social ties and connections between people and communities – is a crucial component of disaster resilience. But evidence that demonstrates the economic benefit of investing in social capital has been anecdotal and primarily qualitative, with an absence of empirical and q... Read More
Other type of resource
Consultancy Opportunity: Synthesis Report on Inclusive Early Warning Early Action for the “Last Mile”
The Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) is seeking a research consultant to develop a report on inclusive early warning and early action (EWEA) for last-mile communities. The report will synthesis findings from the studies funded under the GDPC Small Research Grants Program, supplemented by a... Read More
Understanding Barriers to Early Warning Messages for People Living with Non-Communicable Diseases in Nepal
About this Paper This study explores the challenges that people living with non-communicable diseases (PLWNCDs) face in accessing early warning messages (EWMs) during disasters in Nepal, focusing on flood-prone districts of Kanchanpur and Kailali. Findings reveal delayed and inaccessible warnings, l... Read More
Case Study
Pre-Financing Anticipatory Action: Lessons Learned from the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society
Since 2015, the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) has been at the forefront of anticipatory action, developing trigger models and testing early action activities for cyclones, floods, and heatwaves. By 2024, BDRCS had validated three Early Action Protocols (EAPs), targeting over 200,000 people... Read More