DMERL in the Project Management Cycle

The Framework supports the entire project management (PM) process, from concept to close-out. Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (DMERL) is essential to good PM, because it gives you the knowledge you need to build, implement, and improve your project. Concepts and tools are organized based on which phases they are most useful within the PM cycle so that you can access them at the right time. We have identified a role for DMERL in four PM phases - or as we are calling them: Design, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Knowledge & Learning is at the center of the circle as an integral part of a continuous cycle of improvement with implications for how to work in each phase.  

To go to a page for resources on DMERL in each phase of the Project Management Cycle,

Knowledge Management and Learning is at the Center of the Project Management cycle and part of everything we do.

Knowledge Management and Learning is at the Center of the Project Management cycle and part of everything we do.

Humanitarian programming work usually comes with rapidly moving, highly challenging context. Capturing and sharing knowledge can seem a luxury when problems are piling up or events are moving quickly in a crisis. But often the solutions for our future problems can be found in what we – or others – have already experienced. 

There is another component of learning that encourages agile organizations, and that is generative learning. That is when we sense what is needed even when we do know have explicit knowledge, through listening and innovating. This component of learning is based on Peter Senge's Fifth Discipline and Otto Sharmer's Theory U.

To go to a page for resources on DMERL in Knowledge Managment & Learning,

KM& Learning

Knowledge Management & Learning

at the center of the PM cycle

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