This blog shares reflections from humanitarian workers on topics related to DMERL and project management in practice. Many of the posts are written by American Red Cross staff. However, as a humanitarian practitioner, you are welcome to submit your own blog post for consideration by clicking on the Share Your Story button and creating a free account.

Data and the Power of Storytelling in Global Development

Maya Angelou once said that people will forget what you said, what you did, but will never forget how you made them feel, probably a popular adage but when it comes to capturing the attention of critical stakeholders in development interventions, it can never be cliché. After attending 4 conferences on global development over the […]

Leaders and Data Driven Decision Making: Why it Matters

The importance of data in informing sound decision making for management and key stakeholders cannot be over emphasized especially in this period and time. Data is the compass on which leaders must rely on and consult for directions at every turn. Leaders have a responsibility to create sound systems that produce quality data that can be relied […]

Considering the updated DMERL Framework: A conversation between HQ and the field

Nir Dahal (MEL Delegate, Philippines Delegation) and Kristin Helz (Capacity Building Grant Manager at NHQ) are both professionals in the DMERL field (Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning) who have worked together over the past two years to champion learning for the DMERL Framework at the American Red Cross.   In anticipation of the launch […]
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