Safety All Stars: Children Safety Activity Book

A colourful and engaging activity book designed for use by parents and teachers to use with children from early years through to Key Stage 2 level. Helping children learn about various safety hazards and how to avoid or mitigate them. 
You are free to copy and distribute this book as many times as you like. With one condition, that this book is free and may not be sold or reproduced for resale purposes.
The way the book has been presented is modular in nature, parents and teachers are encouraged to guide their children to read, explore and create which in turn enriches their learning experience both in the classroom and outside.
Remember this book is not a panacea and only serves as a guide to get you thinking about preparedness and safety. There are many resources available online.
If you would like to learn more please drop me an email on info@dpart-sar.orgor a tweet @dpartsar
Thank you.
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