
Gender perspectives: A collection of case studies for training purposes

This gender training pack is made up of 20 case studies collected for training purposes. The case studies are based on real situations and demonstrate the relevance and benefit of considering gender issues in Red Cross and Red Crescent core activities as defined in Strategy 2010 of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red […]

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Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development: challenges and experience in the Philippines

This case study was undertaken by the ProVention Consortium in support of the process to mainstream disaster risk reduction into development, examining experience to date and challenges ahead in mainstreaming at a country level. The paper focuses on the first two, and arguably most difficult steps, in mainstreaming – awareness-raising and the establishment of a

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Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Management: Voices from the field & good practices

This publication would like to contribute with advocating for a more inclusive DRR where persons with disabilities are active participants and not overlooked in relief and response actions. The practices and experiences presented here are challenging the stereotype of persons with disabilities as helpless victims, and instead showing them as effective agents in changing this

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Managing Disaster Risks: Sendai Report

The Sendai Report argues that the practice of disaster risk management (DRM) is a defining characteristic of resilient societies, and should therefore be integrated– or ‘mainstreamed’–into all aspects of development. The report outlines how the World Bank will work to further integrate DRM into development planning and upscale support for targeted DRM initiatives. English version

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Scoping Assessment on Climate Change Adaptation in the Philippines

The scoping assessment aims to: review existing policies, institutional mechanisms, mandates and specific programs for, and the state of knowledge and initiatives toward adaptation in the Philippines; define a process for the development of an institutional mechanism for the potential operationalization of the a Local Government Unit Adaptation Knowledge Platform in the Philippines; lay down

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