
Case study 9 – “Practice-based learning” to create resilient communities in Nicaragua

The advance of the agricultural frontier and inadequate agricultural practices have contributed to environmental degradation in the sub-watersheds of the Tapacalí and Inalí rivers in the department de Madriz, Nicaragua. Meanwhile, a lack of knowledge and environmental awareness increases the communities’ vulnerability to socio-natural threats. Addressing that vulnerability through an innovative approach that integrates disaster risk […]

Case study 9 – “Practice-based learning” to create resilient communities in Nicaragua Read More »

Breaking the waves: Impact analysis of coastal afforestation for disaster risk reduction in Viet Nam

“Breaking the waves” presents a study of the impact, efficiency and sustainability of the “Community-based Mangrove Reforestation and Disaster Preparedness Programme” that has been implemented by Viet Nam Red Cross (VNRC) since 1994. This report and its sister publication (“Planting protection”) are both results of a programme evaluation conducted in January 2011. This report presents

Breaking the waves: Impact analysis of coastal afforestation for disaster risk reduction in Viet Nam Read More »

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