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Flood Resilience Alliance: Philippines Country Briefing

The Philippines is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world, commonly experiencing floods, droughts, and typhoons. According to the latest assessment of the World Risk Index (2022), the Philippines is the country with the highest disaster risk in the world. The Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance is a multi-sectoral partnership focusing on finding practical […]

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What’s the name of our brigade? Shaping the identity of community brigades

Community Brigades are organized groups of people dedicated to building resilience and strengthening local capacities in the face of flooding, as well as other emergencies and disasters. Establishing the identity of a brigade is key to formalizing the community group and increasing the sense of ownership and belonging of its members. This infographic shares the

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¿Cómo se llama nuestra brigada? Definiendo la identidad de las brigadas comunitarias

Las brigadas son grupos de personas organizadas con el objetivo de aumentar la resiliencia y fortalecer las capacidades locales frente a las inundaciones, así como otras emergencias y desastres. Establecer la identidad de una brigada es clave para formalizar el grupo comunitario y aumentar el sentimiento de apropiación y pertenencia de sus miembros. En esta

¿Cómo se llama nuestra brigada? Definiendo la identidad de las brigadas comunitarias Read More »

Philippine Red Cross to promote and protect their mental health through psychosocial support program

Disaster Risk Reduction new dimensions: COVID-19 Preparedness at local level

This policy brief on COVID-19 preparedness at local level provides recommendations to cities on how to become more resilient in a world that is constantly changing. The University of Huddersfield is the leading partner of UNDRR in this effort, which also includes contributions from several RCC partners, such as UNDP and WHO, and the MCR2030

Disaster Risk Reduction new dimensions: COVID-19 Preparedness at local level Read More »

Nature Navigator Handbook – Brochure

The new Nature Navigator handbook helps reduce risk with nature   Nature-based solutions (NbS) can be very effective in reducing disaster risk. They also provide numerous other benefits, such as food and water security, and are ideally suited to raise the resilience of vulnerable communities. But what exactly are NbS? How can we identify the most effective solutions? And how are they implemented? The Nature

Nature Navigator Handbook – Brochure Read More »

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