RCRC Urban Collaboration Workshop Report, Oslo May 2017

As a follow-up to the first RCRC Urban Collaboration Platform Workshop held in Copenhagen in 2016, a second UCP Workshop was held in Oslo on May 18th and 19th 2017. The workshop gathered nearly 30 urban experts from 14 National Socities around the world, in addition to representatives from IFRC, ICRC, and the RCRC Climate Centre, to validate and stregthen the collaboration process and help advance knowledge and practical skills in urban resilience.
One of the key insights emerging from the workshop is the importance of leveraging the added value of RCRC when taking on new urban challenges, including the unparalleled outreach and access, the vast network of volunteers and branches, community presence, and rold as auxiliary to goverment. The speed of change and extent of uncertainty in urban contexts require us to be flexible and agile at all times. Innovation, smarter use of technology, partnership with different urban stakeholders, participatory design and community participation can help us find new and sustainable solutions to urban challenges.
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