Disaster Preparedness of Star Hotels to all Hazards: Case Study of Sanur, Bali

This study aims to assess hotel preparedness to several coastal hazards that pose problems for tourism. It proposes a set of indicators of preparedness that includes: (i) hazard knowledge, (ii) management, direction and coordination, (iii) formal and informal response plans and agreements, (iv) supportive resources, (v) life safety protection, (vi) property protection, (vii) emergency coping and restoration of key functions, (viii) initiation of recovery, adjusted from general preparedness to disaster taken from literature.

The study selects Sanur Area in Bali as the case study since Sanur illustrates one of a popular tourist destinations in Bali, located along the coast. It includes interviews to hotel managers in Sanur through semi-structured interviews. Their anwers responses are analyzed using 8 general preparedness indicators to provide an index of preparedness for selected coastal hazards (tsunami, sea level rise and coastal erotion). Finally, the study puts forward several recommendation to increase hotel preparedness to disasters in coastal areas.

Resilience Development Initiative (RDI), 2015 


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