The One Billion Coalition – Discussion Paper on Levels of Resilience

This document presents IFRC’s initial ideas about how resilience varies between countries. The purpose this is to enable the identification of data gaps required to understand the current levels of household and community resilience.

This preliminary mapping uses publically available data and builds on the work of other institutions such as the Group URD, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Rockefeller Foundation, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), among others.

The IFRC is working with Dalberg Global Development Advisors to conduct baseline research on household and community resilience. The preliminary results are included in the ‘The One Billion Coalition for Resilience – Discussion Paper on Levels of Resilience’ (include link). This discussion paper presents a mapping of resilience levels across countries. Its purpose is to enable the identification of data gaps required to better understand current levels of household and community resilience. It builds off work or other institutions and used publicly available data. Information will be complemented with additional analysis and data collection over the coming months as we work with partners to co-create the One Billion Coalition.

Once completed the research will help validate targeting toward the goal of connecting and engaging ‘one billion people’. A set of tools including a global baseline on the One Billion Coalition initiative along with indicators, vulnerability and risk assessment tools and partnership models, especially at the local level will be made available ahead of the formal launch. Progress reporting at all levels will be performed on an annual basis.

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