Rapid Mobile Phone-based (RAMP) Survey Toolkit

The RAMP survey toolkit is specifically designed to be a management tool for Red Cross Red Crescent National Society health programme managers to achieve their management priorities. It is meant to be a comprehensive resource to empower National Societies to oversee the planning, implementation and

analysis of health and development surveys. The toolkit will help National Societies conduct simple, low-cost surveys using standard sampling methods with no or limited external technical assistance. The RAMP method may also be used by government, ministry of health programmes, NGOs and others interested in monitoring and evaluating health and development programmes.

There are three primary purposes of the RAMP survey toolkit. The first is to improve on the sampling methods of the original EPI cluster methodology. The second is to add mobile phone data collection, helping to reduce the time to availability of results to one to three days, rather than the more common three months or more. The third is to reduce the need for external technical support for the design, conduct and analysis of surveys.

© International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Geneva, 2012

Rapid Mobile Phone-based (RAMP) survey

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