Building capacities: Resource mobilisation in Asia and Pacific

One of the main purposes of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies is to mobilize people and resources at community level to improve the lives of the vulnerable. In order to become locally sustainable, branches must expand the types of local resources and funds they get. 

This film describes successful activities to strengthen funds and resources and shows how Red Cross Red Crescent societies communicate with different types of people and organizations to attract their support. It also shows the importance of accounting and reporting transparently back to donors to build their confidence to donate more in the future.

In this five films series, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies profiles organizational best practices in Gender and Diversity, Resource Mobilisation, Youth and Volunteers, Participatory Planning, and Community and Branch Development. Building Capacities features insights and interviews with volunteers, beneficiaries and leaders from Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies including Australia, Cambodia, Mongolia and Nepal. The series was produced by the Asia Pacific zone under the direction of the Organizational Development unit.

Related videos: 

Part 1/5 – Volunteers and Youth in Asia Pacific:…

Part 3/5 – Gender & diversity in Asia and Pacific:…

Part 4/5 – Community and branch development:…

Part 5/5 – Participatory Planning:… 

More information:

Year: 2009
Duration: 27 minutes 22 seconds

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