Common Alerting Protocol – Workshop 2017


The 2018 Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Implementation Workshop will be held in Hong Kong, hosted by Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) on October 31st. –  November 1st. CAP Training Session will be all day on 30 October and a Filtered Alert Hub Workshop will be all day on 2 November. Both the CAP Implementation Workshop and CAP Training Session will be at the Tsim Sha Tsui Community at 2/F, 136A Nathan Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, which is next to the main entrance of the HKO Headquarters. The Filtered Alert Hub Workshop will be held in the HKO Headquarters.
The Workshop is a technical meeting conducted in English without interpretation. All who intend to participate or wish to make a presentation must contact the Program Committee by e-mail to Eliot j. Christian. There is no charge fee for participation.  Review the latest version of the participant’s list divide into three parts:
  • Participants Affiliated with Governmental Organizations
  • Participants Affiliated with International Organizations
  • Participants Affiliated with Other Organizations or Unaffiliated
For additional information about the Visa requirements, lodging, transportation and facilities, review the following document.


The Programme of the 2018 CAP Implementation Workshop includes remarkable presentations from experts from partner organizations, public and private sector. Review the final agenda and the list of speakers including their presentation topics, with short biographical sketches and portraits.
  • AccuWeather and CAP – Dan DePodwin (presentation).
  • Architecture of a Global-scale Alert Hub – Ian Ibbotson (presentation).
  • CAP and Mobile Multimedia Alerting – Menno Bot (presentation).
  • CAP and Natural Disasters – Efraim Petel (presentation).
  • CAP in the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System – Jeiann Ermac (presentation).
  • China’s National Early Warning Release System – Jinjun Pan (presentation).
  • IFRC Perspective on CAP Alert Hubs – Omar Abou-Samra (presentation).
  • Indigenous Language Alerts with CAP – Rob Hopkins (presentation).
  • Integrated Public Alert and Warning System – May Wu (presentation).
  • An Issuing Authority Perspective on Using CAP – Norm Paulsen (presentation).
  • ITU and Emergency Telecommunications – Vanessa Gray (presentation).
  • The New Severe Weather Information Center Website – Armstrong Cheng (presentation).
  • Overview of Meteoalarm and CAP Implementation – Andreas Schaffhauser (presentation).
  • WMO Perspectives on CAP Implementation Worldwide – Samuel Muchemi (presentation).
  • Update on OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee Work – Elysa Jones (presentation).
CAP countries’ implementation
  • CAP Implementation in India – Saurabh Basu (presentation).
  • CAP Implementation in Italy 2018 – Marcello Marzoli (presentation).
  • CAP Implementation in Mexico 2018 – Mario Ruiz (presentation).
  • CAP Implementation in the Comoros Islands – Fouad Issoufa (presentation).
  • CAP in Deutscher Wetterdienst – Martin Klink (presentation).
  • CAP in the Philippines – Arnel Manoos (presentation).


The workship is co-sponsored by the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM)International Telecommunication Union (ITU)Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS)World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and Global Disaster Preparedness Center.

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For more information, please contact Eliot j. Christian

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