Review in winter conditions – R&D project for a new light self-standing tent

The winter test was originally planned to take place in Pakistan. However, following an analysis of the security situation, the IFRC-Shelter Research Unit (IFRC-SRU) together with the Project Committee, decided to organize this phase in two different blocks. The first part was a theoretical winter test in Luxembourg and the second was remote monitoring in real winter conditions in Peshawar, Pakistan.

Due to several constraints, and despite a good collaboration between the IFRC-SRU and UNHCR Pakistan, the field monitoring has started in April 2016. Therefore, the monitoring results were available for the end of the R&D Project in March 2016.

These monitoring results will be included in a next R&D Project to finalize the winter kit specifications.

The document down below focuses on the results of the Pakistan monitoring conducted from April to May 2016 by the Pakistan UNHRC field team in Peshawar.

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