VR Action Lab
Born in 2017 as a collaboration between Harmony Labs and Google Daydream Impact, VR Action Lab explores how virtual reality might activate young people as upstanders and address the precipitous drop in efficacy of middle school anti-bullying efforts. The aim of this experience is to engage student as “active bystanders” and help them take skillful action in difficult situations by producing powerful virtual reality (VR) experiences that develop the medium’s capacity to make change on the important social issue of bullying.
This case study is part of the research paper: “Immersive technologies & digital games for school disaster preparedness.” Find out more on the topic page (link below).
Immersive technologies & digital games for school disaster preparedness , Harmony Labs – VR Action Lab, VR Action Lab – video trailer
https://preparecenter.org/topics/immersive-technologies-digital-games, https://harmonylabs.org/vr-action-lab, https://youtu.be/otE3fsiCY-8