RCRC Urban Collaboration Workshop Nairobi 4-6 June 2018

The overall purpose of the Nairobi workshop was to increase the familiarity and knowledge of the RCRC family in building resilience in informal settlement areas in high-risk urban settings.

The workshop was designed to be interactive and highly participatory with the following main sections:

  • Presentations from external partners including UNHABITAT, Slum Dwellers International (SDI) and OXFAM.
  • Presentations from RCRC National Societies including Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Kenya, Netherlands, Philippines and South Africa.
  • Presentations from ICRC and RCRC Climate Center.
  • Participant led sessions on a wide range of topics including participatory city planning.
  • Group work on innovative ideas to address urban risks based on relevance to RCRC and potential for scaling up.
  • Group work on Strategy 2030
  • Field visit to Mukuru Fuata Nyayo, one of the informal settlements areas where KRCS is working.
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