Assessment or evaluation

Palang Merah Indonesia Baseline Assessment 2009

Overview of Indonesia’s Disaster Risk Context in terms of its Hazards Profile and a Risk Analysis PMI’s Auxiliary Function and Capacity in the Implementation of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Gathered from IFRC South-East Asia’s Road to Resilience site. Palang Merah Indonesia Baseline Assessment 2009

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Surviving Alone: Improving Assistance to Colombia’s Flood Victims

This Refugees International report highlits shortcomings in the Colombian governtment’s and international agencies’ reponse to the 2010-2011 floods in order to ensure Colombia is better prepared for future flood events. While Colombia has committed to a disaster management framework, the severity of the emergency highlighted gaps in the system including the notable lack of local

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Beneficiary Communications Evaluation: Haiti Earthquake Operation 2011

Providing evidence of the impact of beneficiary communications is incredibly difficult. Reports focus on the information disseminated and numbers of people reached but what are people doing with the information is often the missing link. This evaluation goes some way to trying to answer this question. Nearly 70% of people interviewed changed something in their

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