
ICCM 2012: Josh Campbell, Imagery to the Crowd

Josh Campbell from the Humanitarian Information Unit at the US Department of State, discusses building a framework to support sharing high-resolution satellite imagery with the volunteer technical community, for improved disaster response and development projects. Crowdsourcing enables the humanitarian response community to have access to road maps being rapidly improved with updated, detailed information, demonstrated

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USAID/OFDA Shelter And Settlements Training Course – Module 1

Module 1: Approach To S&S Activities Humanitarian Shelter and Settlements (S&S) assistance provides living spaces and related settlements interventions to meet the most basic needs of disaster-affected populations while conforming to internationally accepted guidelines on the provision of habitable, safe, private and secure living environments such as the Sphere Project and Pinheiro Principles, among others.

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USAID/OFDA Shelter And Settlements Training Course – Module 2

Module 2: Description Of Humanitarian S&S Activities This module emphasizes the need to understand local contexts through careful assessment that includes detailed analysis of damage profiles, settlement characteristics, organizational capacities, markets, and various opportunities for sheltering people. As more disasters occur in urban areas, shelter approaches and assessments must recognize the importance of local context

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USAID/OFDA Shelter And Settlements Training Course – Module 3

Module 3: Shelter This module explores the importance of shelter in meeting the most urgent emergency needs of disaster-affected populations. Starting from the importance of framing in the emergency shelter, the module advocates against the cultural mindset of shelter as four walls and a roof, tents, or even houses. It promotes the concept of shelter

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USAID/OFDA Shelter And Settlements Training Course – Module 4

Module 4: Settlements This module recognizes the importance of settlements in the provision of humanitarian assistance. It stresses the importance of switching the unit of analysis from the household to the settlement level to have greater effectiveness in the delivery of humanitarian assistance. It argues for a greater understanding of context, disaster impacts, emerging constraints

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USAID/OFDA Shelter And Settlements Training Course – Module 5

Module 5: Disaster Risk Reduction & Reconceiving The Road To Recovery The final module focuses on the importance of incorporating DRR into S&S activities, and its importance in saving lives, reducing suffering, and reducing the economic and social impacts of disasters. DRR efforts are intended to minimize adverse impacts before, during, and after disaster. This

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SAFE STEPS: Earthquake

Earthquakes can be deadly. The shaking during an earthquake causes buildings to collapse and can lead to other hazards, such as fires, tsunamis, flooding and landslides. Know what to do before, during and after an earthquake by following these SAFE STEPS! Thai, Vietnamese , Malaysia , Chinese -mandarin, Indonesian, Tagalog, Cantonese,,,,

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Tropical typhoons, also known as cyclones or hurricanes, are a fierce combination of powerful rotational winds and torrential rainfall. These powerful storms often destroy or seriously weaken buildings and can cause huge waves that result in floods both in coastal and inland areas. The key to getting through a typhoon safely is preparation. Make sure

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A fire is both frightening and destructive. Fires are a danger to buildings and residents in equal measure. Keep your cool in the event of a fire by following these SAFE STEPS! Thai , Vietnamese, Malaysia , Chinese –mandarin, Indonesian, Tagalog, Cantonese,,,,,,

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