Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

No Health Without Mental Health: Denny Morrison at TEDxBloomington

Denny Morrison challenges three commonly held but irrational beliefs about behavioral health care: first, that having a mental illness or addiction is a stigma. (“To compare ‘having a bad day’ to major depression,” he says, “is a bit like comparing a paper cut to an amputation.”) Second, that the body and mind are two different […]

No Health Without Mental Health: Denny Morrison at TEDxBloomington Read More »

Disasters and their impact upon mental well-being – Part 5

In the hours, days and weeks ahead you may come across instances where people are worried, anxious, frightened, or just uncertain about their experiences and futures. Some will have experienced damage to their property which means that they cannot live where they normally live. Others may have experienced injury – whether to themselves, or their

Disasters and their impact upon mental well-being – Part 5 Read More »

WHO: Mental Health

One in four people will suffer a mental, neurological, or substance use disorder at some point in their life; yet many cannot get access to basic medicines or basic mental health care. The mental health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) asserts that with proper care, psychosocial assistance and medication, tens of millions could be treated for

WHO: Mental Health Read More »

Psychological First Aid

In the hours, days and weeks ahead you may come across instances where people are worried, anxious, frightened, or just uncertain about their experiences and futures. Some will have experienced damage to their property which means that they cannot live where they normally live. Others may have experienced injury – whether to themselves, or their

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Evidence-based resources for typhoon response

List of evidence-based resources complied by Evidence Aid and which Evidence Aid will contribute to add to as the disaster response continues. Source: Evidence Aid. Link to list of resources

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