
Water and Sanitation: a community-based health approach in Timor-Leste

n Timor-Leste, only 36 per of rural households have access to basic levels of sanitation. Nearly a third of the population have no choice but to collect dirty water from unsafe sources. Poor hygiene practices remain widespread and diarrhoea is prevalent among children. In 2011, the Timor-Leste Red Cross Society decided to implement a community-based

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Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP) | 2014 Skoll Award For Social Entrepreneurship

“Helping Cities Reach Everyone with Water and Sanitation Services” The Skoll Foundation presents the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship each year to a select few social entrepreneurs whose proven innovations have demonstrated impact on some of the world’s most pressing problems. The Skoll Award recognizes organizations with the potential to not only be individually successful,

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Private Sector’s Role in Water Issues within Developing Countries – UNU-INWEH

Listen to Richard Thomas, Assistant Director of United Nations University Think Tank on Water (UNU-INWEH – explain the role the private sector can play in helping to add value to local producers and rural communities’ agriculture through processing, marketing, business education, capacity building and innovation, shared technologies and practices.

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WATSAN: China community vulnerability reduction

Rural homes in China that lack sanitation face health and hygiene issues, particularly during the flooding season. Red Cross programs, supported by the International Federation and funded by the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Department, have brought clean water, sanitation, and awareness through the Chinese Red Cross Vulnerability Reduction Program. This program targeted flood prone villages,

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Zimbabwe: Water and Sanitation Crisis

(Harare, November 19, 2013) — The water and sanitation crisis in Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, places millions of residents at risk of waterborne disease. Five years after cholera killed over 4,000 people and sickened 100,000 more, the conditions that allowed the epidemic to flourish persist in Harare’s high-density suburbs.  The 60-page report, “Troubled Water: Burst Pipes,

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