
Ethiopian droughts: reducing the risk to livelihoods through cash transfers

South Wollo, in northern Ethiopia, is one of the zones hit by food insecurity. The population depends on agriculture and livestock for its livelihood. But recurrent drought has forced them to sell many assets and plunged them into destitution. As mountainous soils erode, the increasing pressure on available land makes matters worse. This case study […]

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Pathways to a climate resilient future: a community-based cost benefit analysis of a food security project in Ethiopia

In recent years, climate change impacts have created grave new threats to rural livelihoods. Community-based cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is an evidence-based tool which can effectively be used to ascertain the value and impact of integrating resilience-building interventions in food security programming. The following case study provides an overview of a community-based CBA that was conducted

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Mauritania: Small-scale surface irrigation for food security

The majority of the population in Mauritania provides for themselves through traditional agriculture and livestock farming and are heavily dependent on the rainy seasons. As a result of unpredictable seasonal rains and climatic conditions, climate hazards (in particular periodic droughts), encroaching desertification and competition for resources, the majority of the population remains chronically vulnerable to

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Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Sri Lanka: A Compendium of Good Practices

The compendium presents good practices of the community based disaster risk reduction (CBDRR) approach implemented under a Disaster Preparedness project in the North and East of Sri Lanka, supported by the Disaster Preparedness ECHO (DIPECHO). Learning drawn from the project can be replicated and built into future interventions. The compendium also highlights the post-conflict scenario, and how CBDRR approach can

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Drought Preparedness Planning: Building Institutional Capacity

Past attempts to manage drought and its impacts through a reactive, crisis management approach have been ineffective, poorly coordinated, and untimely.  Because of the ineffectiveness of this approach, greater interest has evolved in recent years in the adoption of a more proactive risk-based management approach in some countries. The 10-step drought planning process developed by Wilhite (1991) was

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Urban Drought Guidebook: 2008 Updated Edition

Managing water shortages involves using programs to temporarily reduce demand and find alternate water to temporarily increase supply. The guidebook discusses water shortage management programs that belong in water shortage contingency plans. It was first written in 1988, and then updated in 1991 and 2008 to help water suppliers cope with potentially severe drought and other water shortages. The

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Drought-Ready Communities: A Guide to Community Drought Preparedness

The process outlined in the Guide is broad-based, recognizing that drought creates problems that go beyond the scope of what water suppliers alone can address. Worksheets and other exercises can help communities see how drought has affected water supplies and overall community well-being in the past. The Guide can also help communities identify their drought

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Drought tips from FEMA

A set of tips on drought preparedness put together by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the United States. While many of the tips may be US specific, some can be readily adapted to other country contexts. FEMA. http://www.ready.gov/drought http://www.ready.gov/drought

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