
Digital mapping the cities and communities to understand risks and vulnerabilities

Around ending of December to January month as a way of complimenting the achievements of the previous City-Wide Risk Assessment Tanzania Red Cross Society (TRCS) in collaboration with ARDHI and Climate Change Alliance (ZACCA) conducted the GIS-based Mapping in both part of Tanga and Unguja cities. The assessment aiming at developing municipality-level GIS-based Base Map

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Upskilling for Resilience: A Guide to Free Online Disaster Preparedness Training

As disasters continue to challenge communities worldwide, it is crucial for disaster management practitioners to stay up-to-date with the latest knowledge, training, and skills to help keep communities safer during these crises. To aid in the professional development of this critical workforce, the Global Disaster Preparedness Center (GDPC) has curated a list of free online

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Humanitarian Service Points in Action: A global review

Along some of the world’s toughest migration routes, Humanitarian Service Points provide a safe space for migrants and displaced people, giving them access to vital services that might otherwise be unreachable. This report provides numerous concrete examples of Humanitarian Service Points in operation along migration routes around the world and it explains why they are

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