Urban Preparedness

Reactivation of Municipal Nursery Garden, Nacaome City, Valle. Honduras

The climate change coalition of Nacaome City, Valle, in collaboration with the Municipal Government and the Honduran Red Cross, is implementing climate change adaptation actions through social micro-projects to reactivate the municipal nursery for action against extreme heat, with the goal of ensuring the propagation and growth of various species of timber, fruit, and ornamental

Reactivation of Municipal Nursery Garden, Nacaome City, Valle. Honduras Read More »

Digital mapping the cities and communities to understand risks and vulnerabilities

Around ending of December to January month as a way of complimenting the achievements of the previous City-Wide Risk Assessment Tanzania Red Cross Society (TRCS) in collaboration with ARDHI and Climate Change Alliance (ZACCA) conducted the GIS-based Mapping in both part of Tanga and Unguja cities. The assessment aiming at developing municipality-level GIS-based Base Map

Digital mapping the cities and communities to understand risks and vulnerabilities Read More »

From Challenge to Change: The journey of Extreme Heat in Indonesia begins here

In the tapestry of natural disasters woven into the landscape of Indonesia through Law No. 24 of 2007, there are no elements of extreme heat or heat waves. However, the absence of these elements does not diminish their presence in almost all regions of Indonesia, especially in areas like Surabaya and Medan. As temperatures rise,

From Challenge to Change: The journey of Extreme Heat in Indonesia begins here Read More »

City-Wide Risk Assessment: A system Centric Approach for Building Resilient Coastal Cities in Bangladesh

Bangladesh’s southern coast faces frequent extreme weather events like cyclones, tidal surges, tsunamis, floods. Climate-induced risks disrupt the functioning of the core city systems and are exacerbated by rapid and unplanned growth of the city with inflow of people from rural areas due to a variety of reasons. The Coastal City Resilience Project (CoCHAP) implementing

City-Wide Risk Assessment: A system Centric Approach for Building Resilient Coastal Cities in Bangladesh Read More »

Understanding climate change – internal migration/displacement nexus in the context of coastal cities

Download Full report: Understanding Climate Change – Coastal and Displacement This study presents a synthesis of the currently available data, analysis and projections, and reports on climate induced displacement and migration in coastal communities. It attempts to unpack the compounding effects of internal migration/displacement caused by climate-weather related events on cities and towns located in

Understanding climate change – internal migration/displacement nexus in the context of coastal cities Read More »

Japan spent decades making itself earthquake resilient. Here’s how

This story was prepared and originally published by National Geographic. Japan has earned a reputation as one of the most disaster-ready nations in the world due to its seismic codes and culture of preparedness, much of which was built on knowledge from previous disasters. Three days after a major earthquake shook the West Coast of

Japan spent decades making itself earthquake resilient. Here’s how Read More »

Hope amid the heat: Volunteers like Fatema Khatun help neighbors through sweltering heatwaves in Bangladesh

This story was originally published on the IFRC website, along with a video story. As the sun blazes mercilessly over Bajakajla Slum in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh, Fatema Khatun vividly remembers her childhood when the weather was different, and life was more comfortable. “When I was in primary school, the temperature was not so high, we

Hope amid the heat: Volunteers like Fatema Khatun help neighbors through sweltering heatwaves in Bangladesh Read More »

Building a Resilient Future: 20+ Tools and Resources for Disaster Risk Reduction

It’s International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, so let’s discuss how we can make our communities safer and more resilient. Held every October 13th, the International Day for DRR was established to promote a culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction. At GDPC, we are committed to providing practitioners with the knowledge and tools necessary to

Building a Resilient Future: 20+ Tools and Resources for Disaster Risk Reduction Read More »

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