Asia Pacific

Legal Preparedness for Responding to Disasters and Communicable Disease Emergencies: Viet Nam

This report is the result of legal research taken within the framework of the Project on Legal Preparedness for Responding to Disasters and Communicable Disease Emergencies in Viet Nam.  The Project was managed by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) with technical assistance from World Health Organization (WHO), supported by

Legal Preparedness for Responding to Disasters and Communicable Disease Emergencies: Viet Nam Read More »

Lessons from the dzud : Adaptation and Resilience in Mongolian Pastoral Social-ecological Systems

In the winter of 2009‐2010 Mongolia experienced the most severe dzud since the consecutive dzud winters of 1999‐2002. The 1999‐2002 dzud was an important catalyst for a number of donor‐led efforts to improve pasture and livestock management and risk preparedness using community‐based approaches. In the 2009‐2010 dzud, about 8.5 million livestock had died, approximately 20%

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Guidelines for Relief Activities under Nuclear Disasters

The Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS) has published this set of “Guidelines for Relief Activities under Nuclear Disasters”. According to the guidelines, JRCS will conduct relief activities outside of the area restricted by the national/local authorities, as far as cumulative dose of radiation does not exceed 1 mSv during a activity. JRCS conformed the recommendation

Guidelines for Relief Activities under Nuclear Disasters Read More »


日本赤十字社(以下、「日赤」)は、「原子力災害における救護活動マニュアル」を作成し、警戒区域外で活動する一般の災害救護に携わる救護班に許容される累積被ばく線量を1ミリシーベルトとした。作成に当たっては、国際放射線防護委員会(ICRP)が一般市民に対する1年間の実効線量限度の勧告に準拠することとした。日赤の救護班の活動期間は1週間以内を基本としており、この基準では福島県で「帰還困難区域」に設定されている地域でも、多くの場所で活動できることを意味する。また、救護活動時の行動基準を定めるとともに、救護班要員には研修会等において放射線防護の教育を行うなど、要員の安全を確保する基準についても定めている。 原子力災害における救護活動マニュアル

原子力災害における救護活動マニュアル Read More »

Responding to urban disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations (ALNAP, 2012)

This 2012 ALNAP paper on urban lessons was written by David Sanderson, Paul Knox-Clarke and Leah Campbell and builds off a prior 2009 study written by Ian O’Donnell, Kristin Smart and Ben Ramalingam. It offers lessons pertaining to effective design and implementation of urban-response programs. It was written to serve as a practical field resource for international disaster management professionals,

Responding to urban disasters: Learning from previous relief and recovery operations (ALNAP, 2012) Read More »

Contingency Planning Facilitator’s Guideline

This Facilitator’s Guide has been developed to support a four-days training course on Contingency Planning. It focuses on organizational contingency planning with the aim to ensure staff security during natural disasters and ensure the responsibility of emergency response. Handicap International, 2011. Link to online version

Contingency Planning Facilitator’s Guideline Read More »

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