Asia Pacific

Volunteering in times of Crisis

1755 is the year when they say volunteering phenomena emerged. And then, this concept re-emerged, reformed and contextualized for various other industries other than the military. These days, it’s more of a Humanitarian Assistance for all professions. Since 2010, I have volunteered in various roles: writer, cyclist, career counselor, communication & media consultancies, environmentalist, and […]

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In the Nexus of Heat Wave Risks: Iron oxide primer coating of corrugated iron roofs for space cooling

In the Nexus of Heat Wave Risks: Iron oxide primer coating of corrugated iron roofs for space cooling Nadim Reza Khandaker, Ph.D., P.Eng., Arup Ratan Das, North South University Bangladesh Corresponding Author email: The effect of global warming has manifested it self as more intense heat waves. This is more of a problem in

In the Nexus of Heat Wave Risks: Iron oxide primer coating of corrugated iron roofs for space cooling Read More »

Towards effective early warning systems: Impact and lessons from Nepal and Peru

Towards effective early warning systems: Impact and lessons from Nepal and Peru. A report with findings from Practical Action’s commissioned assessment to better understand the impact of our people-centred early warning system (EWS) programming in Nepal and Peru. The evidence gained is intended to inform and shape future policy and practice of EWS programming globally.

Towards effective early warning systems: Impact and lessons from Nepal and Peru Read More »

Expanding community resilience programs to urban contexts: Key considerations for resilience measurement

Expanding community resilience programs to urban contexts: Key considerations for resilience measurement A case study from Metro Manila, Philippines The world is becoming increasingly urbanized. Every week, approximately 1.4 million people are added to urban centers globally; an estimated two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. While cities provide access

Expanding community resilience programs to urban contexts: Key considerations for resilience measurement Read More »

Putting communities in the driver seat: Good practices from the Philippines

In the spirit of the localization agenda, the flood resilience project of the Philippine Red Cross accompanies, enables, and connects communities to become more resilient to floods and other hazards. We facilitated a participatory whole-of-community process to design evidence-based and risk-informed community resilience building interventions. In this process, community members could voice their needs and

Putting communities in the driver seat: Good practices from the Philippines Read More »

Adapting to the impacts of extreme heat in Bangladesh’s labour force

The health and productivity of the workforce in Bangladesh is under increasing threat in a warming world. In this commentary, Lucia Letsch, Shouro Dasgupta and Elizabeth Robinson consider how policymakers can ensure workers are protected from extreme heat while pursuing sustainable development pathways. Climate change is already inflicting harm on the labour force in many

Adapting to the impacts of extreme heat in Bangladesh’s labour force Read More »

Translating Warnings into Action – How we can Improve Early Warning Systems to Protect Communities

Early warnings for hazards are essential for living safely and minimizing economic losses.  For many hazards, it is possible to give advance notice and accurate information to help communities prepare and respond.  However, issuance of the warning itself is not enough for a warning system to be effective, as the effectiveness of warnings is determined

Translating Warnings into Action – How we can Improve Early Warning Systems to Protect Communities Read More »

Traverse: an Australian Red Cross case study of the creation, design, and end of a digital identity platform

There is a long-standing challenge within the humanitarian sector – the slow process of onboarding and managing staff and volunteers for rapid deployment during a crisis. Australian Red Cross led an effort to solve this by establishing a verifiable digital credentials solution in order to remove some of the structural barriers and administrative burdens to

Traverse: an Australian Red Cross case study of the creation, design, and end of a digital identity platform Read More »

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