
Pathways to a climate resilient future: a community-based cost benefit analysis of a food security project in Ethiopia

In recent years, climate change impacts have created grave new threats to rural livelihoods. Community-based cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is an evidence-based tool which can effectively be used to ascertain the value and impact of integrating resilience-building interventions in food security programming. The following case study provides an overview of a community-based CBA that was conducted […]

Pathways to a climate resilient future: a community-based cost benefit analysis of a food security project in Ethiopia Read More »

Mauritania: Small-scale surface irrigation for food security

The majority of the population in Mauritania provides for themselves through traditional agriculture and livestock farming and are heavily dependent on the rainy seasons. As a result of unpredictable seasonal rains and climatic conditions, climate hazards (in particular periodic droughts), encroaching desertification and competition for resources, the majority of the population remains chronically vulnerable to

Mauritania: Small-scale surface irrigation for food security Read More »

Estimation of Economic Damages Caused by Disaster: Event Impact Rapid Assessment and Disaster Scaling (EIRADS) Calculator

This study focused on the modification and application of Costing Model (CM) and it developed an Event Impact Rapid Assessment and Disaster Scaling (EIRADS) calculator. To check the workability, the calculator was applied to an incident that happened at Cherry Hills Subdivision, Antipolo, Philippines. The application yielded the Total Damage Cost of the Event (TDCE)

Estimation of Economic Damages Caused by Disaster: Event Impact Rapid Assessment and Disaster Scaling (EIRADS) Calculator Read More »

Urban Preparedness. Lessons from the Kathmandu Valley.

In the context of the Nepal Red Cross and British Red Cross Earthquake Preparedness for Safer Communities programme (EPS) in Kathmandu, this study focuses on identifying key learning points on community engagement and local  and national action in a complex urban disaster management. Link to document http://www.preventionweb.net/files/36764_36764urbanpreparednesskathmandufull.pdf

Urban Preparedness. Lessons from the Kathmandu Valley. Read More »

Cement Trust

An NGO and consortium of cement producers that works to improve supply chain management for cement production. is looking to help builders reach a goal of 3,000 PSI cement rather than the 1,200 PSI cement that can typically be achieved with hand-mixing with a shovel. Cement Trust website, Interview with Bruce Christensen, general manager of

Cement Trust Read More »

The Minimum Standards for local climate‐smart disaster risk reduction

Many national climate change adaptation plans consider the need to plan over various timescales and acknowledge the essential role of local communities in addressing the changing risks. The Minimum Standards for local climate‐smart disaster risk reduction were developed as a practical checklist to help local community leaders and DRR practitioners ensure their risk reduction efforts are climate‐smart and contribute to

The Minimum Standards for local climate‐smart disaster risk reduction Read More »

ملاحظات إرشادية لبناء مدارس أكثر أمانا

تقدم الملاحظات الإرشادية لبناء مدارس أكثر أمانا ٬ إطار عمل من المبادئ الإرشادية والتطورات العامة لوضع خطة محددة السياق للتطرق لهذه الثغرة الهامة جداً وهي تأمين التعليم للجميع  EFA وحتقيق أهداف التنمية الألفية MDGs عبر البناء القادر على مجابهة الكوارث وتحصين المباني المدرسية. يجب أن تستخدم الملاحظات الإرشادية لبناء مدارس أكثر أمانا من قبل واضعي

ملاحظات إرشادية لبناء مدارس أكثر أمانا Read More »

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