Community Risk Assessment

Zambian Red Cross Society, Vulnerability Capacity Assessment: Sinazongwe District

In 2003, a thorough and well-designed assessment was carried out in Sinazongwe, a district in southern Zambia. The CRA team was composed of staff from the regional IFRC delegation, the Zambian Red Cross Society (ZRCS) and district and local government officials. The purpose of the study was to assist ZRCS in mapping out hazards, vulnerabilities […]

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Community Risk Assessment Toolkit

The ProVention Consortium in its Community Risk Assessment Toolkit has collected and analysed 35 CRA case studies from Asia, Latin America, Africa and Small Island Developing States. Key findings were: Partnerships between NGOs and local government enhance the effectiveness of the assessment and action planning process (see case study 1 ). Multi-hazard approaches are feasible

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Social Vulnerability, Sustainable Livelihoods and Disasters

The need to analyse and prepare for peoples’ vulnerability to natural hazards could be rooted in the sustainable livelihoods (SL) approach, and in development work which aims to reduce the elements of vulnerability that are a result of poverty. As such, vulnerability analysis (VA) may help to bring humanitarian work in line with [development organizations’]

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Rising from the Ashes: Development Strategies in Times of Disaster

Drawing on case histories of emergency relief programs that have successfully promoted development, Anderson and Woodrow offer guidelines for fashioning assistance programs designed to counter the effects of both natural and human-caused disasters. Arguing that relief efforts must support and enhance existing capacities, they present an analytical framework for assessing the characteristics and needs of

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Safer Homes, Stronger Communities: A Handbook for Reconstructing after Natural Disasters

A handbook to assist policy makers and project managers engaged in large-scale post-disaster reconstruction programs make decisions about how to reconstruct housing and communities after natural disasters. Safer Homes, Stronger Communities: A Handbook for Reconstructing after Natural Disasters,…,

Safer Homes, Stronger Communities: A Handbook for Reconstructing after Natural Disasters Read More »

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