Lisa Matheson
Lisa Matheson is the founder and "Chick in Charge" (CIC) of Crisis Whisperer. Her diverse disaster response, crisis communications and planning background includes work with Fortune 500 companies, state and local government and non-profits across the areas of higher education, emergency management, banking (risk management, business continuity) and broadcast media. ​Lisa's experience includes works as a communicator, adviser, planner and/or incident manager for the following situations: ​Natural and man-made disasters, severe weatherTransportation accidents and mass fatalitiesEmployee and student arrestsTerrorism incidentsLegal and regulatory audit and compliance managementPublic health concerns such as pandemic (H1N1), West Nile VirusOrganizational reputation management​Lisa is one of 150 members of the American Red Cross' Advanced Public Affairs Team and a disaster public affairs volunteer for the Georgia Region/Metro Atlanta Chapter. She conducts public affairs training and develops marketing and publicity materials for volunteer recruitment and enrichment programs. She holds a B.A. in English and a Master's degree in Public Administration from the University of West Georgia and, as a commitment to her profession, plans to continue her Ph.D. in Emergency Management at Oklahoma State University. In addition, Lisa has considerable training in social media, emergency management and public affairs.
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