Jonathan Ulrich
Geneva, Switzerland
Flood Resilience Associate at the IFRC / Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance
Case Study
Expanding community resilience programs to urban contexts: Key considerations for resilience measurement A case study from Metro Manila, Philippines The world is becoming increasingly urbanized. Every week, approximately 1.4 million people are added ...
Other type of resource
Community Brigades are organized groups of people dedicated to building resilience and strengthening local capacities in the face of flooding, as well as other emergencies and disasters. Establishing the identity of a brigade is key to formalizing th...
Other type of resource
Las brigadas son grupos de personas organizadas con el objetivo de aumentar la resiliencia y fortalecer las capacidades locales frente a las inundaciones, así como otras emergencias y desastres. Establecer la identidad de una brigada es clave para f...
In October and November of 2020, a series of cold fronts and two cyclones caused severe flooding in the states of Chiapas, Tabasco, and Veracruz, Mexico. Tabasco also received significant rainfall in the month of November. Floods, landslides and the ...
In October and November of 2020, a series of cold fronts and two cyclones caused severe flooding in the states of Chiapas, Tabasco, and Veracruz, Mexico. Tabasco also received significant rainfall in the month of November. Floods, landslides and the ...
In October and November of 2020, a series of cold fronts and two cyclones caused severe flooding in the states of Chiapas, Tabasco, and Veracruz, Mexico. Tabasco also received significant rainfall in the month of November. Floods, landslides and the ...
In October and November of 2020, a series of cold fronts and two cyclones caused severe flooding in the states of Chiapas, Tabasco, and Veracruz, Mexico. Tabasco also received significant rainfall in the month of November. Floods, landslides and the ...
La resiliencia se ha convertido en un concepto fundamental para entender teóricamente y fortalecer en la práctica, la gestión del riesgo de desastres, el desarrollo sostenible y la adaptación al cambio climático. El Proyecto de Resiliencia ante ...
En este documento se comparten los puntos clave del análisis de la medición de la resiliencia ante inundaciones y se presentan cuatro líneas prioritarias para el fortalecimiento y la participación de diversas instituciones, grupos e individuos en...