Sandra Romero ruiz
DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT DELEGATE – IFRC – PHILIPPINES (since May 2015) Work with Philippine Red Cross and provide advice and technical support on disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery strategies to plan, implement and manage the disaster management components of the PRC Strategic Plan. To assist PRC to conceptualize and design effective disaster management approaches. The delegate will support the Senior Manager Disaster Management Services in designing and supporting the implementation of high quality emergency response and Disaster Risk Reduction programmes, field research, and capacity development of PRC. Successful fundraising, other RCRC members, ADB, Philippine Government LIVELIHOODS REFERENCE CENTRE – Trainer of Trainers for Sustainable Livelihoods and Cash Transfer Programming - (since Dec 2013) September 2013 Part of the Global Stove Plus Roster of Specialists of GERES September 2013 - Currently Regional Coordination Delegate (Spanish Red Cross) – Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador & Guatemala March 2013 – September 2013 Operations Manager – IFRC, Burundi. March 2012 – Feb 2013 Livelihoods & Job Creation Programme manager – IFRC, Haiti. Nov11 – Feb12 Oxfam GB, Evaluation of Strengthening Israeli Civil Society for Change in Occupied Palestine program – Jerusalem. (Consultant) – IOM - Dili, Timor-Leste Capacity building and advisory support to National Disaster Management Directorate (NDMD). Feb 2010 – June 2011 Spanish Red Cross Country Representative – Dili, Timor Leste Feb 07 – Feb 10 Spanish Agency for Cooperation (AECID) Programme Manager Agriculture and Natural Resources. Jerusalem. Palestinian Territories Nov 06 – Jan 07 Jóvenes y Desarrollo (JyD) Country Representative. Dili, Timor Leste Jan 05 - Oct 06 UNV Programme Manager. United Nations, Manila, Philippines Ap 04 – Dec 04 Paz y Desarrollo (PyD) Country representative in Paraguay Nov 02 – March 04 Fundación Codespa Country representative, Philippines Jan02 – Nov 02 Environmental Specialist, Water engineer. Ruijs en Zoon. Amsterdam, Holland Jul01-Jan02 Agriculture specialist, Fundación Intervida, Guatemala, México & El Salvador Feb 01-Jul 01 Project officer Fundación Ascamm in Barcelona, Spain. March 1999 – Dec 2000 Environmental Education Specialist CEPA (Centre d’Ecologia i Proyectes Alternatius) Barcelona, Spain EDUCATION AND TRAINING 1995 – 2001 Agricultural Engineering. Food Industry Spec. Polytechnic University of Cataluña 2002 Environment Specialist for International cooperation in the Mediterranean Region, Fundacio Ecomediterranea 2003 – 2005 Masters Degree “International Cooperation for Development” Fundación Cyes & Universitat de Barcelona PUBLICATIONS • Agriculture Sector Review for Palestine • (Agriculture database for the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture) • Evaluation of “Strengthening Israeli Civil Society for Change in Occupied Palestine program” Oxfam GB, Jerusalem • (UNEP & FAO, Nairobi Aug 2013 – 1st Africa Food Security and Adaptation Conference 2013)
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