Rhonex Tembo

Malawi, South Africa
Hi My name is Rhonex Tembo from Malawi-Africa. Malawi is one of the small developing nations in Africa. I was first exposed to disasters as a volunteer when i was at teenage. After completing my secondary A levels, i joined the military in the aviation sector. Because of this, I have been involved in disaster search and rescue missions for over 15 years now. I participated in Mozambique floods in 2000, Malawi in 2012, 2014, 2015 etc. Due to passion, I have been searching for sponsored disaster management courses in order to further my knowledge in the field but to no success. I am therefore appealing to well wishers who can sponsor me or any one who might know organisations that sponsor disaster courses to share the information with me. My contacts are +265(0) 888878946 on whatsap Email: rhtembo@gmail.com Physical address: Malawi Defence Force P/Bag 48 Lilongwe - Malawi Africa
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