Thomas Tora
Arba Minch, Ethiopia
Thomas Toma Tora (PhD) is a disaster risk management instructor and researcher in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Arba Minch University, Ethiopia. He published four articles related to vulnerability management, food in/security, livelihood assets, and livelihood security status of the drought-prone lowlands in southwest Ethiopia, particularly, focusing on the Gamo lowlands. He reviewed 10 journal articles for the Journal of Nutritional Science and Healthy Diet (Helics Group, 1), Geojournal of Springer Nature (3), Ethiopian Journal of Business and Social Sciences (EJBSS) of Arba Minch University (3), the Scientific World Journal (Hindawi, 1), Food and Nutrition Science (Wiley, 1), and Agroforestry Systems of Springer Nature (1). His research interest includes vulnerability, livelihoods, disaster risk management, food in/security, natural hazards, disasters, climate change, population, sustainable development, and sustainability science among others. The deployment of multiple indicators in food in/security studies in Ethiopia is examined in this study.