03 Jul 2020
The IFRC’s Minimum standards for protection, gender, and inclusion (PGI) in emergencies is now in its second edition. This edition is the result of three years of testing, revision and feedback from protection, gender and inclusion (PGI) and sector...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Women and Gender in Disaster Management
28 May 2020
In line with the CTA note and material developed for RFL during COVID19 and the RFL in disasters field manual the rapid RFL assessment will focus on categories of persons at particular risk of been separated or going missing due to the COVID19 and pr...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
20 Aug 2014
Wild Fire Safety Checklist that includes: how to prepare ahead of time, what to do if there is a wild fire in your area, and returning home after a wild fire. American National Red Cross.
Tags: Guidance material, Wildfire