20 Oct 2013
This report is the result of legal research taken within the framework of the Project on Legal Preparedness for Responding to Disasters and Communicable Disease Emergencies in Viet Nam. The Project was managed by the International Federation of Red...
Tags: Case Study, Communicable Disease, Disaster Law
21 Aug 2015
The story is set in a mix of rural Rwanda and Burundi, it follows a mother’s narration of her children Kanyange and Kagabo going through varying levels of malnutrition. The story is meant to create awareness on the symptoms, treatment and the eleme...
Tags: Video, Public Awareness and Public Education
04 Nov 2014
Interest story about “Map to help community prepare for flooding in Ayutthaya” Excerpt: ADPC, with support from USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA), initiated the Program for Reduction of Vulnerabi...
Tags: Other type of resource, Flood