After the Marmara Earthquake: Lessons for Avoiding Short Cuts to Disasters

‘This paper aims to explore a number of lessons learned from the disaster management experience in Turkey in response to the Marmara earthquake in August 1999. It discusses the shortcomings of disaster mitigation and preparedness measures in Turkey in the context of a disaster and development relationship, including a number of issues such as legislation and training, public awareness, insurance, urban planning and management, and disaster response strategies. It explains why this earthquake produced such a large impact and suggests why, unlike previous earthquakes, the public reaction to the shortcomings in disaster mitigation and preparedness for the earthquake may promote important changes within Turkish society. Through the investigation of disaster management practice in the light of lessons learned from the Marmara earthquake experience, the paper outlines possible responses to these shortcomings.’

After the Marmara Earthquake: Lessons for Avoiding Short Cuts to Disasters

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