Asia Pacific Urban Community Resilience Hub Roadmap 2021 -2023

The IFRC and member National Societies have been increasingly present and active in cities and urban settings to serve the most vulnerable people and have made valuable efforts in recent years to support the development of more resilient communities in urban areas worldwide.

These achievements have been acknowledged and strengthened by the RCRC contribution in influencing the Urban Agenda at national, regional and international levels. As part of this efforts, the IFRC Asia Pacific

Regional Delegation (IFRC APRD), National Societies and Reference Centres in Asia Pacific, launched the Urban Community Resilience Hub (Urban Hub) in 2018 to coordinate and connect urban work across the Asia Pacific region, enhance knowledge sharing and peer-to-peer exchange within and beyond RCRC networks and platforms, and operationalize the urban learning built to date with a strong orientation towards partnerships and innovation for current and future initiatives.

The Asia Pacific Urban Hub Roadmap 2021-2023 is the result of the 1st Asia Pacific Regional Urban Hub Meeting March 10 – 11, 2021, to provide a framework for strategic urban action in alignment with the IFRC Strategy 2030.

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