Australia Disaster Management Reference Handbook

The Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (USA), produces country and regional reference books to provide a commonly available baseline of information regarding disaster management environments. This Disaster Management Reference Handbook Series is designed to provide decision makers, planners and responders a basic understanding of regional disaster management plans and structures, including information on key domestic organizations present in the region.

This publication serves as an initial source of information for those individuals preparing for disaster risk reduction activities or immediate deployment with Australian partner responders in crisis. It highlights the important role Australia plays in preparing for, mitigating, responding to, and recovering from a natural or man-made disaster in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. Discussion included key areas such as the Australian organizational structure for domestics and foreign disaster management, international DM agreements, regional training programs and exercise support. Overall, this handbook focuses on strengthening partnerships and is not an assessment of Australia’s capabilities.

Center for Excellence in Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance (CFE-DMHA), 2016

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