Beneficiary Communications Evaluation: Haiti Earthquake Operation 2011

Providing evidence of the impact of beneficiary communications is incredibly difficult. Reports focus on the information disseminated and numbers of people reached but what are people doing with the information is often the missing link. This evaluation goes some way to trying to answer this question.

Nearly 70% of people interviewed changed something in their life as a result of Red Cross information.

But there are context specific obstacles with the channels the Red Cross uses to share its information; a lack of electricity and low literacy rates. This, along with other key findings from the evaluation, demonstrates the need to create beneficiary campaigns which combine traditional methods with new technology.

As beneficiary communications develops two way communications tools, the ultimate goal will be integration with operational teams to ensure that the feedback of beneficiaries is taken on board and used to shape and refine programmes.

Beneficiary Communications Evaluation: Haiti Earthquake Operation 2011

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