23 Mar 2015
One year since the confirmed Ebola outbreak in Guinea, a lot of fear and stigma remain in communities affected by the disease. Some communities prevent responders from entering, mistakenly believing they are responsible for spreading the virus. Volun...
Tags: Awareness material, Video, Communicable Disease
25 Jan 2021
National Societies’ and volunteers’ roles will change through the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic in their respective countries/communities, based on which public health, clinical and health systems activities are likely to be most impactful...
Tags: Guidance material, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
07 Mar 2015
Cruz Roja Nicaragüense actualizó su guía popular sobre el cambio climático en el año 2013, y desarrolló un rotafolio. Estas herramientas sirven de apoyo para impartir talleres y charlas sobre el cambio climático con voluntarios, estudiantes y ...
Tags: Awareness material, Training material, Climate Change Adaptation