Biological Hazards CDC material

Various guidance and background material developed by CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) linked to preparedness and response measures to biological hazards. [Bio Terrorism, Tularemia, Anthrax, Botulism, Plague, VHF, Brucellosis, Smallpox]

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Guidance material
25 Sep 2013
حيث أن أكثر من نصف عد سكان العالم الآن يعشون في المناطق الحضرية، فإن جعل المدن أكثر أمنا يمثل تحديا طويل الأمد ولكن يمكن تحقيقه. والمدن هي ...
Tags: Guidance material, Urban Risk Reduction
Guidance material
27 Jun 2014
Tornado safety checklist that includes: “what should I do to prepare for a tornado?”, “what should I do if a tornado is threatening?” and,  “what do I do after a tornado?”
Tags: Guidance material, Tornado
Awareness material
06 Apr 2023
False alarms and near misses can erode public trust in weather warnings, which may lead to people becoming less responsive to actual risks. However, false alarms and near misses can also be used to increase public awareness and improve risk assessmen...
Tags: Awareness material, Early Warning Systems
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