Bolstering Resilience to Floods and Storms in Vietnam

Over the past two decades, extreme weather events have caused more than 13,000 deaths and property damage in excess of $6.4 billion in Vietnam. More than 70% of the country’s population is at risk of natural hazards, particularly the rural and urban poor. Destruction of roads inhibits disaster emergency response, leaving many communities isolated with no means to evacuate. Disruption of connectivity between cities and regions negatively impacts trade patterns, and slows down recovery and reconstruction efforts, and is more costly for national and local governments.

Vietnam, with the World Bank and GFDRR, are working closely together to conduct research and trials on the resilience of vulnerable rural roads, flood-proofing the National Highway 1a—the country’s main transport corridor—and minimizing the risk of connectivity loss in communities. The project applies a participatory approach that engages the local community in building and maintaining climate resilient roadways.

– World Bank, 2014

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