Building Proper Latrines for Resilience


Many communities in Northern Belize do not have access to basic necessities, such as proper latrines and running water. In a region that is prone to flooding, this can lead to issues around health and hygiene. The Belize Red Cross partnered with PetroCaribe and the American Red Cross to work with communities and enhance access to latrines, as well as train communities in their proper use.

Because the area of Northern Belize is prone to flooding, latrines that are not properly built or used can pose a threat to community health, as they lead to the spread of germs and disease. Within the Red Cross approach, staying healthy is one of six core characteristics underlying resilient communities; therefore fostering healthy practices is essential when working with communities to develop and promote resilience.

As part of the Resilience in the Americas (RITA) project, the Belize Red Cross and its partners worked with community members to build latrines for 37 families. At the same time, communities participated in PHAST trainings to learn about their proper use and other positive hygiene practices. Learn about some of the beneficiaries’ experiences in this video

Building Latrines in Belize

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