C40 Cities Agenda for Green and Just Recovery

The Global Mayors COVID-19 Recovery Task Force was established to determine how we can achieve a green and just recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.   This report sets out their collective vision for a green and just recovery and our shared principles for achieving it. We address the ambitious actions needed, together with examples from our network, showing how the ‘new normal’ is already materialising in our cities — providing evidence that it is possible to ‘build back better’,

In this agenda for recovery, we have focused on those actions we are taking as part of our response to COVID-19, those we will take and those we are asking others to take with us. As part of the Recovery Task Force’s efforts, we are commissioning further work to assess the impacts and benefits of our actions, to demonstrate why a green and just recovery is better, and to inform the ways in which we deliver these actions. This next work will set out how to finance the recovery in a time of recession, how we should govern in a time of uncertainty, and effectively communicate how to

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