12 May 2014
In 2001, disaster preparedness delegates from the IFRC and staff from different National Societies defined the characteristics of a well-prepared National Society. Their aim was to prepare a simple tool for disaster preparedness planning. Based on th...
Tags: Report
30 Jan 2017
This report published by IRC provides a Systematic Review of the Drivers of Violence against Displaced Populations in Urban Crisis and Post-crisis Settings. Most urban refugees and those internally displaced are relocated to already fragile commun...
Tags: Report, Community Engagement and Accountability, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness
16 Jan 2014
The Concept Note for the ALNAP’s 29th Annual Meeting on 11-13 March, 2014 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. ALNAP http://www.alnap.org/meeting2014
Tags: Report, Communication As Aid