15 Dec 2014
The title of this Report, Mind, Society, and Behavior,captures the idea that paying attention to how humans think (the processes of mind) and how history and context shape thinking (the influence of society) can improve the design and implementati...
Tags: Report, Research, Community Engagement and Accountability
16 Jul 2014
Technical brief on the concept of measuring resilience from experiences in the Horn of Africa. Developed by Catherine Fitzgibbon for Drylands Learning and Capacity Building Initiative for Improved Policy and Pratice in the the Horn of Africa (DLCI).
Tags: Report, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
01 Jun 2021
In the context of a rapidly urbanizing Asia Pacific region, the number of people exposed to hazards, shocks, and stresses is increasing, leading to amplified risk and vulnerability. At the same time, people living in cities are themselves agents of c...
Tags: Report, Urban Preparedness