03 Nov 2023
Climate change, lack of proper urban planning, increased urbanization, and increases in population are some of the key drivers of vulnerability in the Caribbean region. These factors contribute to the region being prone to a multitude of hazards incl...
Tags: Assessment or evaluation, Early Warning Systems, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management
24 Mar 2015
This report outlines UNDP’s engagement in implementing the HFA and highlights the results that it has achieved in the years 2005–2014. Based on the report, ‘Protecting Development from Disasters: UNDP’s Support to the Hyogo Framework for Acti...
Tags: Report
31 Jan 2014
This report presents the World Bank’s experience in climate and disaster resilient development, and contends that such development is essential to eliminating extreme poverty and achieving shared prosperity by 2030. The report recognizes, howeve...
Tags: Report, Climate Change Adaptation, Urban Preparedness