12 May 2014
In 2001, disaster preparedness delegates from the IFRC and staff from different National Societies defined the characteristics of a well-prepared National Society. Their aim was to prepare a simple tool for disaster preparedness planning. Based on th...
Tags: Report
08 Sep 2017
The agenda of the CAP Training Day, 19 September, is provided here. If you plan to attend this training, please also consider bringing your laptop PC, provided you have administrative privileges to install software. You would then have the option to ...
Tags: Training material, Early Warning Systems
31 Mar 2015
The purpose of this Working Paper on Crisis Mapping is to briefly analyze the current use, and changing role, of information communication technology (ICT) in conflict early warning, crisis mapping and humanitarian response. We demonstrate that ICTs ...
Tags: Other type of resource, Early Warning Systems, Mapping and Geospatial Data, Mobile Technology