16 Nov 2020
0 Reports Reviewed 0 Organizations Covered Over the course of 2019-2020, the American Red Cross commissioned a meta‑evaluation to explore what makes a community disaster-ready. This meta-evaluation examines 24 program or project evaluations, half o...
Tags: Assessment or evaluation, Community Engagement and Accountability, Early Warning Systems, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness
02 Dec 2015
The Social Cohesion project – an action-research project commissioned by World Vision, explores the causes and consequences of tensions between refugees and host communities to propose better short and longer term solutions for humanitarian and dev...
Tags: Case Study, Report, Research, Risk Assessment, Urban Preparedness
16 Jun 2015
This report is the second of its kind, analyzing displacement trends within the first half of 2014. The figures in this report were collected from governments and UNHCR offices around the world. UNHCR introduced a new online data collection tool to e...
Tags: Report, Resilience and Disaster Risk Management, Urban Preparedness